The best place for Warsaw events
Mysia 3 is a department store in the very center of Warsaw, located between Trzech Krzyży square and the De Gaulle roundabout. This modern, industrial and intimate town house features three floors of unique retail shops offering fashion, jewelry and interior decorations, as well as photo galleries. The fourth floor of Mysia 3 houses a café and a space for rent, „Mysia bez Cenzury” (Mysia without Censorship). In the Communist Era in Poland, the Główny Urząd Kontroli Prasy, Publikacji i Widowisk (GUKPPiW), commonly known as „Cenzura” (Censorship Office), was located at Mysia street. Today, it offers 400 m2 of space for events, exhibitions, business meetings, conferences, discussion panels, training sessions, photography and film sets, fashion shows and fairs. The entire floor is designed as a „white cube” loft interior, with good access to daylight and other amenities indispensable to event organization.